«How are children considered and approached by the institutions responsible for protecting and educating them? What frameworks surround children, and how can we redefine these frameworks, adjusting them to fit the worlds that children invent for themselves in order...
The Icelandic dance artist Erna Ómarsdóttir together with the Swedish composer and vocal artist Sofia Jernberg and with the participation of the musician and performer Valdimar Jóhannsson, presented Notes and Steps from the Underworld as part of the Choreographing Politics: Female Gaze series at the Basilica...
An extremely detailed, life-like scenography, textbook stage directions and movements and boisterously stereotypical characters: every element of Japanese theatre company Niwa Gerkidan Penino’s performance Egao no Toride (Fortress of Smiles) would suggest a two-hour immersion in traditional drama theatre...
Imbued in 1999, Office-Space-like aesthetics and vibes, Dana Michel’s durational performance MIKE displaces significance, temporality and bodies with the same, caricatural flick of the wrist, repurposing objects and power dynamics in a continuous negotiation of relational structures that ebb...
More performative than explanatory, Libya challenges spectators to attune their (predominantly) Western lexicon to Tamazight orthographies, giving value to ligatures that do gladly without the immediacy of rendition in favour of a more convoluted fluidity of suggestions, meanings and...
Set between the invisible walls of a Foucauldian total institution, Amir Reza Koohestani’s Blind Runner mixes facts with fiction, theatre with cinema and poetry with oppression, tenderly outlining the frailty of love and the sturdiness of hope in the...
Masturbating fauns, sexually unfulfilled nymphs and centuries of heteronormative eroticism – this and more in Lara Barsacq’s latest creation, an explosive investigation on the limits of male-depicted sexuality and female body’s objectification that ends up nourishing even more the...
«How does the world of today correlate with the forgotten women of the past, and to the land these women worked? And how do we see those women reflected in the forgotten women of today, whose labour continues to...


Presented as part of OsterTanzTage 2023 at Staatstheater Hannover, Triptych by the Belgian theatre dance company Peeping Tom shows how to make a dance work through ghosts, from real and from our minds. Triptych originally draws from three short...
Présentée ces derniers jours par le nouveau directeur Tiago Rodrigues, la 77e édition du Festival d’Avignon brille par son ouverture esthétique et populaire Uno sguardo sensibile ed ecologico Presentata nei giorni scorsi dal nuovo direttore Tiago Rodrigues, la 77esima edizione del...
els ocells

Els Ocells

El Teatre Poliorama recibe nuevamente la obra Els Ocells, estrenada originalmente en el 2018, con un largo periodo en cartelera: entre enero y abril, es inevitable que las butacas no se llenen tras la fama que ha ido recabando...
Le mois d’avril de la Maison de la danse s’est ouvert dans la joie et l’ironie grâce à Body Concert de la compagnie sud-coréenne Ambiguous Dance Sciamanismo e leggerezza Il mese di aprile della Maison de la danse si è aperto...
L’histoire d’amour entre Arles et la photographie se poursuit en 2023 avec une nouvelle édition des Rencontres d’Arles entre évocations cinématographiques, réflexions écologiques et marginalités condamnées par la poussière du temps L’emergenza del necessario La storia d’amore tra Arles e la...
Du 28 juin au 13 juillet, l’incontournable festival Jazz à Vienne illuminera l’été de l’ancienne cité romaine de Vienna avec plus de 1000 artistes et 190 concerts Dal 28 giugno al 13 luglio ritorna l’imperdibile festival Jazz à Vienne che...
Du 31 mai au 28 juillet Lyon accueille l’un des événements les plus attendus par les amateurs de musique, de théâtre, de danse et de cirque : le festival des Nuits de Fourvière Le notti, le stelle, Fourvière Dal 31 maggio...


Ineffable, le dernier solo de Jann Gallois, fait escale à Lyon et conquiert le public de la Maison de la danse grâce à un syncrétisme raffiné et fascinant. L’articolarsi di movimento sincretico   Ineffable, ultimo lavoro solista di Jann Gallois, fa tappa...
Événement transversal capable de creer des passerelles et des dialogues entre diverses formes culturelles, le Festival Sens Dessus Dessous celèbre cette année sa onzième édition et s’annonce comme un moment important de réflexion sur la relation entre la voix...

Rei Édipo

Concerned with the haunting presence of the bloody, old past in our futures, SillySeason’s take on Sophocles’ Rei Édipo tries to end with the classic by shooting at it from different angles, only to realise that the aim was...

Corpo Clandestino

Beautiful aesthetics and telluric soundscapes are not enough to save Victor Hugo Pontes’ latest creation from the dangers of vacuity: Corpo Clandestino, an allegedly norm-shattering performance for seven marginalised bodies grossly misses the mark, consolidating rather than weakening the...

S/ título #8

In an attempt to unshackle Art from the commodifying dynamics internalized in both performers and spectators, Portuguese theatre company auéééu’s latest attack on the senses lands an interesting (albeit long-winded) punch on the performative status quo, throwing the audience...

The Burnt City

Eight years in the making and with more than 100,000 square feet of stage space available, Punchdrunk’s The Burnt City raises the technical bar of immersive theatre yet even higher with a three-hour long show that awes and disturbs...
Cristina Morales’ novel Easy Reading talks about extraordinary women capable of defining themselves in spite of all attempts of domination, normalisation and oppression made by an allegedly progressive society, about marginalised women capable of loving, desiring and enjoying life...
«Un dia por ano, uma de nós atiava um incéndio». Con esta frase comienza Catarina la pieza. Es el primo, pero Catarina también es el tío, es la madre, es la hija. Toda la familia lleva el mismo nombre...
Luego la penúltima producción de Baró d'Evel, Lá, Falaise, en escena durante la XL edición del Festival de Otoño de Madrid, dirigida por Camille Decourtye y Blaï Mateu Trias, es uno de los mejores ejemplos del teatro físico y...