Rei Édipo

Concerned with the haunting presence of the bloody, old past in our futures, SillySeason’s take on Sophocles’ Rei Édipo tries to end with the classic by shooting at it from different angles, only to realise that the aim was...

Corpo Clandestino

Beautiful aesthetics and telluric soundscapes are not enough to save Victor Hugo Pontes’ latest creation from the dangers of vacuity: Corpo Clandestino, an allegedly norm-shattering performance for seven marginalised bodies grossly misses the mark, consolidating rather than weakening the...

S/ título #8

In an attempt to unshackle Art from the commodifying dynamics internalized in both performers and spectators, Portuguese theatre company auéééu’s latest attack on the senses lands an interesting (albeit long-winded) punch on the performative status quo, throwing the audience...
A soft-spoken yet gritty invitation to the feathery alcove of a woman in constant transformation where body parts are recontextualised and gazes are traded, questioned and renegotiated: this and some more, in Paola Diogo and Renato Linhares’ Espelhos e...
With winter at the doors and after more than two weeks of plays, performances, workshops and seminars, Lisbon’s Alkantara Festival 2022 draws to a close, leaving behind a constellation of thought-provoking works that, just like Vânia Doutel Vaz’ The...
In his latest, critical and powerful performance, BOCA FALA TROPA, Gio Lourenço incorporates, brings back, repeats and updates memories and cultures, mixing the personal with the universal with feverish lyrism and bringing Kuduro on the theatrical stage for a...
Arming silence with voices and the body with deities, Betty Tchomanga’s Mascarades reasserts the power of hybridity in the face of postcolonial modernity, re-imagining, re-mapping and re-constituting an elsewhere in that gap between worlds where the man, the woman,...
The 2022 Alkantara Festival keeps on giving with full hands, this time presenting Jaha Koo’s Cuckoo, «a journey through the last 20 years of Korean history told by a bunch of talkative rice cookers» where the audience, suspended between...
Thanks to Rosana Cade and Ivor MacAskill’s The Making of Pinocchio, a show about the joy of transformation, art and the ethics of resistance, Lisbon’s Alkantara Festival 2022 could not shine any brighter in the fading lights of the...
In the midst of an unprecedented, anthropogenic climate crisis, Lisbon’s Alkantara Festival 2022 reinaugurates its yearly appointment with some of the most interesting national and international artist by bringing to the city’s stages the award-winning performance Sun & Sea,...


«It’s urgent - love», once said Eugenio de Andrade, «it’s urgent – a boat upon the sea. It’s urgent to destroy certain words, hate, solitude, and cruelty, some mourning, many swords». Urgent, yes, but not easy, as proven by...
After two weeks of jam-packed stalls and thunderous applauses, the 39th edition of the Almada Festival finally comes to an end and, in a successful attempt to go out with a bang, artistic director Rodrigo Francisco offers a memorable...
In Hands do not touch your precious Me, a hymn by the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna to the goddess Inanna, Wim Vandekeybus creates a mythical tale of confrontation and transformation, light and darkness, death and rebirth -together with composer...
Most known for his trailblazing works in experimental theatre, Robert Wilson brings back up one of his seminal and non-canonical pieces -now enriched by a renewed cast- in an attempt to remind us that the mirror he had held...
Following their previous play, Lá, French company Baro d’evel (Manouche for “For the love of God”) brings to Portuguese audiences its latest work, Falaise, a non-place in which Life itself flows freely, laughing at our earthly attempts at making...
Through a strikingly modern, minimalist writing style and a suspenseful plot, Thomas Ostermeier re-elaborates Sophocles’ masterpiece, Oedipus Rex, turning it into a contemporary fable of capitalistic amoralities and relational inhumanities to the delight of Almada Festival’s satisfied yet confused...
«What links the Italian industrialist Luciano Benetton to the small Mapuche community of Curiñanco-Nahuelquir? What links the former President of the Argentine Republic Mauricio Macri to Sylvester Stallone? The answers to these questions can be found in the southern...
The 39th Almada Festival continues along its experimental streak with Dorothée Munyaneza’s Mesh, a hybrid performance that effectually intertwines different artistic and linguistic styles in its path to create a new map of the world in which herstories become...
From the dry lands of central Sardinia to the northern desolate mountains of Trás-os-Montes, the 39th edition of the Almada Festival brings to Portugal the “cacodemonia” of transnational pagan rituals, shining a crepuscular light onto the latent animality we...
Il Festival di Almada, giunto quest’anno alla sua trentottesima edizione, torna a ospitare nella sua programmazione spettacoli internazionali e portoghesi, incentrando tutta la sua identità sul dialogo tra teatro e danza estera e locale. Tra gli spettacoli di danza presenti...
Directo, sin filtros, crudo. Ideado y escrito por Agnés Mateus y Quim Tarrida, en escena en el Festival de Almada, una creación desconcertante e inquietante desde el primer minuto. Un espectáculo sobre el feminicidio que no deja cómodo al...
Incontro - tra pubblico e compagnie, critici, artisti e pubblico - è parola per definire il Festival di Almada di Lisbona, una kermesse per chi ama il teatro dove ammirare spettacoli non solo di innovazione, d’avanguardia e site-specific, ma...
Al Festival di Almada di Lisbona, rassegna internazionale di teatro giunta alla sua 36ª edizione e conclusasi il 18 luglio scorso, è stato protagonista assoluto Mary Said What She Said di Bob Wilson. On stage at the Cultural Center of...
Incontriamo Rodrigo Francisco, direttore artistico del Festival del Teatro Municipal Joaquim Benite di Almada (Lisbona), un luogo dove la magia del teatro si fa per tutti e di tutti. Il Festival di Almada, giunto alla sua trentaseiesima edizione, quest’anno si...